Summer ~ Staying Healthy With The Seasons


As spring begins to fade, summer is quickly approaching, skipping merrily down the garden path. We enter Summer on June 21st, with the Summer Solstice. 

Summer is nature's season of growth and maturation. Flowers, fruits, veggies and herbs are blooming all around us. And the summer sun sending life to nature.  The longing for outdoor activities, summons our playful spirit to enjoy exercise, sports, water recreation, beach walks and hikes in nature.

Getting plenty of body movement, water and solar energy is vital in the summer season. Fifteen minutes in the morning sun provides a healthy dose of Vitamin D.



The HEART is the ruling organ over the summer.

The heart is the root of life and generates all changes in spirit. The condition of the heart may be read from a person's complexion. The heart fills the blood vessels and feeds life to the pulses. Pale face/red face: Blood pressure check.

While the heart requires special care every season/day, summertime provides a platform for the health and well being of the heart. This organ/muscle pumps blood, carrying warmth, oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. It works closely with the lungs to gain oxygen, and with the digestion system to obtain nutrients. The heart is dependent on the health and proper functioning of the small intestine, which connects the stomach to the large intestine. A well maintained small intestine is the key to our nourishment, because the only nutrients we can actually use, are those which we digest and assimilate through it. The heart and the small intestine, in their marvelous relationship, share in their love, companionship and, essential necessity, the following food sources:

Green leafy vegetables, red fruits, probiotics, digestive enzymes, ginger root, herbal teas(especially rose, hibiscus, lavender, chamomile and passionflower).

Avoid foods that spike inflammation. Moderate salt, alcohol, dairy to minimum.

The heart has a large appetite for joy, relaxation, meditation, prayer and welcoming love.


"Keep your heart open, that way love will find its way in".

 And don't forget to book in some nurturing "you time". 

 Enjoy quietude, power naps facial and or massage treatments. Keep positive thoughts alive to keep your serotonin levels active, moving, happy and humming! Make the heart a fun priority *A merry heart goes all the way, a sad one tires in a mile".



When it comes to SUNSCREENS, new updates every year bring up the biggest question; which are the safest?

The holistic sunblocks may appear too weak, while the chemical based ones seem too harsh. There seems to be a number of sunscreens to choose from, only to confuse the consumer even further.

 I hope the following market research information can shed some sunlight on the availability and safeness.

As you read, please note the abbreviations along the way. Example- SS= SUNSCREEN

Where to start in the search for an effective sunscreen, and what to avoid.

 Always look for sunscreens labeled "broad spectrum".

This means UVB and UVA protection. The two sunscreen buzz words to search out are Zinc Oxide and Avobenzone. Zinc Oxide is favorable. Avobenzone is questionable.

Active ingredients come in two forms- MINERAL and CHEMICAL FILTERS.

The most popular worldwide, natural mineral filter, Zinc Oxide may often be found combined in sun protection products with Titanium Oxide. 

Let's start with Zinc Oxide. The bright, white, war paint looking cream, has been around for decades. Thick as bear grease, this natural, mineral sunblock provides both UVA and UVB protection. Good quality Zinc Oxides are found in diaper rash creams. Usually pure and bought for a fraction of the price, compared to the Zinc ingredient found in the sunscreen section. For better absorption, mix a small amount of body butter, as this mineral can be dry and a bit stubborn to massage into the skin. Although it's sharp, white color, and ultra thick consistency may appear to some consumers a less desirable cream. ABOVE ALL SUNSCREENS, its still the #1 safest, natural, least expensive, and most effective sunsafe product.

Its strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory property, helps to treat acne.

Zinc Oxide is a trusted and tested choice, as it doesn't break down in the sun, does not attract the harmful rays or release free radicals. It is also reef safe.

Next, widely used non-natural sun product ingredient, Avobenzone, also provides both UVA and UVB protection. However, it requires an advocate to perform. 

AVOBENZENE, a common chemical sun filter, is public enemy #1 in terms of toxicity, and breaks down quickly, once exposed to the sun, allowing only 30 minutes of protection. Which means reapplication is vitally necessary. In addition. because of it's short protection span, many chemical, sunscreen companies, have to add "not so safe" chemicals, like Octocrylene, to make it work longer than 30 minutes. Octocrylene helps to stabilize Avobenzene, works as a "penetration enhancer", and is known as an endocrine disruptor, that also releases free radicals. Also known as ROS- Reaction Oxygen Species- can damage skin cells and increase the risk for cancer. Because of popularity amongst Sunblock companies, Avobenzene gets as much favorable attention by consumers as Zinc Oxide. However the hidden danger and inconvenient truth exists, that the UVA rays do their damage, deep within the layers of the skin and may not be detected until many years later. The penetration enhancers attract and absorb a wide range of ultra-violet rays, that are associated with harmful sunburns. So, not only do repeated sunburns accumulate deep layers of damage, so do repeated applications of chemical SS filters. 

Octo is linked to skin sensitivity. skin cancers, collagen/capillary breakdown, hyperpigmentation and premature aging. So, if the list of reactions outweigh the safety of the sun protection product, why use them, and why are they even created and sold as a sun safe product to consumers? The answers are many & multifold, ranging for reasons to use them, from fear, denial, misinformation, not taking the issue seriously, information oversensory, trust in the system & affordability. As far as why are SS created the way they are, usually breaks down to affordable ingredient resources availability, clever marketing, and being a multi billion dollar industry. Consumers desperately want and need protection. Often times and being in a hurry, label reading may easily be overlooked and confusing, especially the very long chemical words. It is up to every consumer to exercise sun safety in the great outdoors, but to get all the education and market research as possible. Sun protection is extremely serious, however, sunburns can be deadly. Get informed and always be prepared.   



Homosalate- a hormone disruptor- meaning it messes with your endocrine system

Oxtinoxate-upon exposure to sunlight, it degrades, weakening UV absorbing ability

Metheosycinnamate-  another name for Octinoxate

Oxybenzate- A hormone disruptor. May cause allergic reactions to the skin.

*Octocrylene- (mentioned above) When exposed to UV light rays, produces oxy radicals, which are readily absorbed by the skin. This toxic chemical is also environmentally unsafe.

Parabens- Carcinogenic preservatives.



When it comes to Sunscreen topics, many consumers are in the dark, fearful and confused. Especially, when there exists a tremendous amount of misinformation about their safety and ingredients. Further disillusions often occur with the concept of natural vs. chemical or Nano vs. Non-Nanoparticles in sunscreens.

So, say you have decided that using a natural Sun protection product is the right choice for you and the environment, instead of a synthetic product, due to your sensitive skin. But, then you hear about "Nanoparticles" (NP) in some of the more natural Sunscreens (SS) choices. And then, the more you investigate, comes more alarm, about conflicting info, regarding NP, that give you a pause.

Does choosing a natural SS have to be this confusing?

The info out there can be overwhelming. Lets cut through the noise and take an unbiased look at NP in SS, and reasons why you won't want them in your SS, & why you may consider them.

Nanoparticles(NP) are incredibly tiny particles of a given substance. NP are less than 100 nanometers thick. To give some perspective, a nanometer is 1000x times smaller than the thickness of one strand of hair. This may sound somewhat small by itself, but remember there are a myriad of NP in each product. And this all adds up, not to mention the reapplication throughout the day. While NP can be created, like miniscale droplets of seaspray for example, most NP are created in a lab. For SS, the NP in question are Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide. These products are broken down into very fine particles before being added into the SS.

NP became available in SS in the 1980s, but did not catch on until the 1990s. Today you can assume that your natural SS with Zinc Oxide or Titanium Dioxide are Nano-sized unless specified on the label otherwise. Keep in mind that the term "Micronized" and "Nano" are synonymous. So, SS bearing a Micronized Zinc or a Micronized Titanium label contains NP.

NP are not only in SS. Many Skin Care and Makeup Products contain NP ingredients.

In addition, NP are manufactured into Electronics, Fabrics, Resistant Glass and many Household and Industrial Cleaning Products.

NP keeps Natural and Synthetic SS from leaving the thick white film on the skin.

When choosing a natural SS you have two options. The difference will show up on your skin.

Both Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide approved by the FDA as natural Sunscreening ingredients. They each give Broad Spectrum UVB/UVA protection. Titanium Dioxide works best when combined with Zinc Oxide. They work by reflecting the Sunrays away from the skin, shielding the skin from the sun. And are quite effective.

In regular form,(Nana-sized) Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide are quite white when included into a SS, leaving an opaque-white film across the skin. You may often see it on young children or Lifeguards, slathered across the nose.

Enter NP Sunscreen made with Micronized Zinc Oxide or Titanium Dioxide- rubs into the skin much easier, and won't leave behind the white pasty look.

Titanium Dioxide gets the worst rap these days, as through the manufacturing process, it's dry particles send fine dust wafting into the air. Protective masks and goggles must be warn to prevent the dust particles from entering the eyes and nose. Some are calling the broken down particles the new Aspestos. Inhaling these particles are toxic on the lungs and internal organs.

There seems to be a lot of controversy in many studies and investigations as to how large the NP actually are. Not all companies use the same machines or techniques to break the NP down.

Our Environment and Sunscreens:

And just how good are the SS and the chemicals that are combined with them,, for our environment, and the impact on our marine/wildlife?

I leave you with thoughts regarding the accumulative residues left behind in our lakes, streams, rivers and oceans. What about our water drinking supplies and their sources? And animals that are now asexual, not knowing anymore what their gender is. The reproductive organs, developing fetuses and newborns of both our animal and human world are subject to unsafe, toxic chemicals in our environment, as well as the product itself. What can be absorbed into our bodies can be measured in breast milk and urine samples. Chemical sunscreen filters, preservatives and penetrating enhancers have no boundaries and may cross into the the blood/brain and on a cellular note, into the bodies organs and urine samples.

Are three legged frogs, disoriented deer in the forest, and infants bearing deformities, the victims of the Chemicals and the NP found in our Sun Protection products?  Will you be challenged or interested enough to investigate?

Not to leave this blog with a disturbing thought, I just want to be able to give a glimpse into this topic, as it is one that many people have serious concerns about. I challenge you to investigate this concern online. There is a multitude of information, resources and chat rooms to engage with. Most environmental groups are more than happy to provide information and education. It is more than just a is a movement. We all need to do our part to preserve our wonderlands, waters and wildlife. Adopt biodegradable principles and practices.

Eliminate industrial toxins in your life. Make reading labels a lifestyle. 

In conclusion, be Sun smart. Remember, it is up to you to make the best choice for you, and help those who you love, with assistance in choosing safe and effective Suncare products: 



 #1- Always remember to apply Sunscreen 30 minutes prior to sun exposure.

 #2- Always remember to reapply sunblock after time in the water.

 #3- Always remember to reapply sunscreen every 30-45 minutes 

 #4- Always remember the Boy scouts honor code, "Be prepared!"  Don't leave your Sunscreen behind. It will prevent unwanted sunburns.



 *I suggest the following companies for Sunscreen products:

 All Terrain * Badger * Garden Goddess * Andalou * Beauty By Earth




Let a series of happy thoughts run through your mind and they will show up on your face.


Late Summer ~ Staying Healthy With The Seasons


Spring ~ Staying Healthy With The Seasons